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There are 5 countries under Communism: Vietnam, Cuba, China, Laos, and North Korea.

Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos and China are the main five communist states, though none of these countries practice pure communism.

China, Cuba, Thailand and lots of eastern countries.

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6y ago
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8y ago

At the present moment in time, there are three states officially classified as Communist:

Republic of Cuba - declared a Socialist Republic in 1961, ruled by Communist Party of Cuba

Democratic People's Republic of North Korea - became a Socialist Republic in 1948, ruled by Korean Worker's Party

Lao People's Democratic Republic - became a Socialist Republic in 1975, ruled by Lao People's Revolutionary Party

Despite popular belief, neither the People's Republic of China nor the Socialist Republic of Vietnam are Communist to this day. All though both are ruled by Communist parties, their respective governments are currently implementing extensive Free Market reforms that directly oppose Marxist-Leninist/Maoist market philosophies.

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13y ago

North Korea isn't actually a communist country ; it is feudalistic featuring a dynastic family brutally holding power over a terrorized population.

The only truly real communist country was Cuba but it is slowly trying to reorganize since Mother Russia can no longer prop up its fragile economy.

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12y ago

China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos.... Also North Korea. Additionally China is no longer a traditionally communist country as their societies thrive on capitalist ideology (unless you count their treatment of rural citizens, oh and the sending back of North Korean defectors).

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13y ago

China, Cuba and North Korea. Laos in Southeast Asia does and Vietnam has a socialist government.

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13y ago

China, North Korea, Vietnam, and Cuba consider themselves to be communist countries. It could be argued that China has adopted capitalism but doesn't want to admit it.

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14y ago

Cuba and China

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