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Winston Churchill was a politician, a soldier, an artist and most of all an *outstanding* Prime Minister, in WW2. On taking over from Chamberlain in May 1940 he immediately formed a coalition government with the opposition parties. He set about the task of fighting the war very energetically and appointed many of the anti-appeasers to to top jobs - people like Duff Cooper, Eden and Brendan Bracken, Leo Amery. Above all, he inspired people and he was determined to WIN. In his first speech as Prime Minister on 13 May 1940 he said his aim was 'Victory! Victory, whatever the cost!' He went on to say that Britain and the Empire would not lay down their arms till 'the Nazi curse has been lifted for ever from the brow of mankind'. What's more, he meant it. All this was much more relevant in war than Chamberlain's gloomy talk about how evil the Nazis were. Certainly, Churchill also had his faults but that is not the point. He used to raise his arm in the peace symbol after every battle.

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What contributions did Winston Churchill make?

Stand alone in WW2 against the Nazi Germany for 2 years when all of Europe what vanquished by the Nazis.

Dunkerke (repatriation of his army) and El Alamein. where the first great battle to win against the German. Also he allowed a formation of a Jewish brigade, who where very motivated and fought on the North African front, Italy front and in Germany.

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ultimately, he gave our country freedom. He is a great inspiration to us all, and without him the war would have been lost.

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Q: How did Winston Churhilll help Great Britain?
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