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iddin is great alternative to omegle.

No! Please do NOT! GO ON THE WEBSITE WWW.OMEGLE.COM Me and my friends were all trying to have a bit of fun one day and went on that website and something very very very bad happened as soon as you go on that website something will say "Talk to Strangers" Now if you are smart enough you will Listen to me and stay off this website please do not go onto it is NOT! safe please listen to my Advice i am 15 years old Thank You :)

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14y ago

Omegle isn't dangerous unless you give out your personal info. or if u agree to meet someone in the real world. Viruses can infect your comp if u click on spam ads, or any ads.

It is not okay if u just click or download anything u c that is cool.

I suggest that u either use omegle carfully or don't use it at all.

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