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Try soaking your legs in hot water after your workouts(bath tub or hot tub is good). Look at these websites:

* * * It would help to know what caused the bruise in the first place, and the appearance of the bruise. Shins, with a thin layer of skin over bone, don't have a lot of vascular flow, so they don't heal especially fast. A month for a bruise would be a long time, but not abnormally so. I'd treat it with coldpacks -- 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off, a few times a day. I'd also avoid aspirin or ibuprofen during this time, until it heals. If we're talking bone pain, and if it was an impact injury, bone contusions take a long time to heal. You already know that the only way to facilitate healing is rest and, if you won't do that, then this will take a while.

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Q: You have deep bruising in your shin and you are a gymnast you will not quit and it doesnt seem to go away it hurts very bad after practices if i overwork it but i try not to any suggestions?
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hi everyone, A human that does gymnastics is called a gymnast.

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