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Q: Write postcard to your father seeking purmision to join us study tour to south also asking rs 500 to meet the expensive of the tour?
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What is the cost of an Indian postcard?

Postage cost - Rupees 12 for air mail and rupees 7 for a normal mail. You can also calculate the postage cost on the India Post website. If you're asking about the time it takes for a postcard to reach the u.s from India, I've sent only one postcard to the u.s, and it took around 9 days to reach the destination. But time can vary.

What is the definition of seeking permission?

Asking if you can do something.

Where can change of address postcards be purchased from?

If a change of address postcard to notify the postal service that the address is changing, the postcard does not need to be purchased. It can be obtained by going to the local post office, and asking for one. Fill it out, and mail it back.

Why on club penguin when you click recycle postcard does it not delete the postcard?

The Same thing happened to me, what you have to do is click Remove and it will say: " Are you sure you want to remove all the postcards sent by *Name Here* THanks for asking this, good to know im not alone! :)

What is a synonym for asking an opinion?

Seeking input or soliciting feedback.

What are quality brands of markers?

You are asking for something everyone is asking, buy the more expensive one and you get a better quality. Go look for the in monk office and buy the most expensive one.

Asking for advice on the price of postage for postcard?

That depends on the location because postal services provide different services. However, most postal services offer postcard services with a lower price in comparison to a normal letter. Besides, if you use normal letters you would have to buy envelops which is an additional cost.

How expensive is the Lamborghini Gallardo?

At least $210,000, depending on what model you are asking about.

What does inguisitive mean?

"Inquisitive" means eager to learn or curious about something by asking questions and seeking information.

What are the grammar rules for asking permission using Could I versus May I?

May I is the correct form for seeking permission.

What does where have you gone mean?

"Where have you gone?" is a question asking for the current location of the person being addressed. It is seeking information about where they are at that moment.

What is the best and most expensive car Lamborghini or Aston Martin?

If you are asking only about these two cars, then the Lamborghini is the more expensive, and better performing.