I will not eat them in a box,
I will not eat them with a fox,
I will not eat them here or there,
I will not eat them ANYWHERE,
I do not like green eggs & ham,
I do not like them, Sam-I-Am.
Box Elder bugs eat flowers, leaves, and maybe apples. You would have to try that at home.
Eat cereal from a box
The whale would win because it can just eat the box jellyfish. The box jellyfish's toxic is too small to damage the whale a little bit.
It depends on what the box is made of. If its cardboard, yes they can eat in BUT NOT ALL AT ONCE. Anything else I would not let them eat.
"I eat the box" is "Como la caja".
I can't tell you how much a Box Turtle would eat in a year, as appetite would vary for each turtle. However I can tell you they are carnivorous when young, and herbivores when adults. See Related link..
box turtles eat dandelions
They require different habitats, so no. Also the box turtle would probably eat the anole if it had the chance.
you acctualy cant eat box turtles they eat mushrooms ther mushroom toxins get into their meat and that can poison you. i would just eat a common snapper
I would bet it's silverfish.
the box juveniles
Snakes eat box turtles