no... of course not... some boys don't shave there legs and there still fast.
not substantially
I stopped shaving my legs already.
It makes your legs go faster...?
Some people just have faster hair growth than others.
No, there is no scene of her shaving her legs.
of course your legs don't get black and hard after shaving.
because shortly after ejaculation my legs feel like jelly
To remove by waxing or shaving. EX: I will manscape my legs by shaving them.
Yes, they would!
Girls can start shaving their legs when they feel ready and comfortable to do so, typically around the ages of 12-14. It is a personal choice and there is no specific age requirement for when girls should start shaving their legs.
Yes, the ostrich is the fastest runner on two legs.
Kids with longer legs seem to have bigger strides reducing the amount of steps you take and energy. It really depends on the runner though not the legs.Hope I helped!!