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Probably a busted or gummed up freewheel. Easily replaceable and not very expensive either, but replacement require a few special tools. Sometimes they can be flushed out and relubed as well. Try the posted link for more info.

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Q: Why would a chain on a mongoose bike not be pulling on the back tire to go?
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What kind of snake is most dangeras to the mongoose?

mongoose are very strong and very brave and determined dose not matter what kind of snake it is if it is a snake he'll kill it mongoose rare very valiant and do not cower and any thing mongoose fight the pray till it goes off running because it cant handle it then the mongoose runs up and jumps up on its back with so much force it brakes its back right in half and the snake is dead so to answer your question no there is not one snake a mongoose cant kill.

What BMX bike does Nicole Kidman ride in BMX Bandits?

well that movie was shot back in 1983 mongoose was one of the top bmx bikes of the time so my best guess would have to be a1983 mongoose supergoose by the way the bike looked in the movie or it was a mongoose motomag they both looked practically alike hope this helped

How does a mongoose defend itself?

For the mongoose to protect it self it does a back flip, and scares away and unwonted prey.

What is the meaning of 'yanking your chain'?

Back when overhead toilet reservoirs were in use, a person finishing his 'business' would have to close the lid before pulling the chain that opened the reservoir to flush. Because they were overhead, the force of the water would cause the water in the toilet bowl to splash out of the bowl. It was considered great fun to "yank another person's chain" in a public or school restroom because it usually elicited a howl of surprise and discomfort from the next stall.

What is schedulable utilization?

I beleive it is a big hairy turd that falls down the back of a mongoose

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How is pulling a finger back from heat a useful purpose?

Pulling your finger back from a heat source is a subconscious reaction humans have to keep themselves from being burnt.

What word describes pulling back on the bowstring?

To draw back the bowstring.

How do you cock a gun?

by pulling the hammer back.

Is there a way to lengthen a bicycle chain?

Yes. There is a device called a chain tool that drives the rivets out of a bicycle chain in such a way as to let them be driven back in later. You would add a link after first buying one (chain tool $8-$15, and an extra link) from the bicycle shop. If you wanted to lengthen the chain by quite a bit, you would break an existing chain into two pieces, one of which was the length you desired to add. The chain tool would then drive the rivets back in on the two links you popped out, and your chain would then be longer. There is no reason to lengthen a chain unless you've put on a huge back gear, and your current derailleur is incapable of switching the chain over to it. Even so, you'd probably be better off changing your derailleur instead. A chain that is too long for your derailleur to handle will fall off due to the slack in the chain wobbling from side to side. Thank you for asking a question in bicycles that doesn't have ANYTHING to do with the Tour de France!

What is mongoose life cycle?

Alife style of a mongoose is simple they start from a gooseling to grow and become a feirce mongoose. Every mongoose knows he must protect him self from danger. He must always be watch ful of his suroudings and never turn his back on a enemy. They eat things like snakes, birds, worms, and termites. Mongooses grow to be at least 3 ft. in length. There habitats start from the eastern end of Asia and the mid western part of of India.There are several types of mongooses including the banded mongoose, (wich is the king cobras natural enemy), the red mongoose, and the Indonesian mongoose.

If you have a 12t back sprocket and you want to go down to a 8t what else would you have to buy?

shorter chain