"Iam Somebody!
The most important that about Jesse Jackson is his influence to everyone everywhere. That is because he is a friend of the FIRST African American leader of the U.S.A.
his birthday is on April 9th
Jesse Owens is important because he pointed out that he was treated better by the Nazis than he was in his own country and was treated better by Hitler than his own president.
thats what I want to know
He was a black athlete who competed in the Olympics in Germany before world war I. Hitler frowned upon this. . .
he is important because people call him names when he races and he gets awards
he won gold in the 1936 Olympics
The water Jesse gave Winnie
Miss Edmmunds is a music teacher and she is important to jess because he shows her all his pictures x
That when she gets older, Winnie should drink the spring water he gave her when she is 17, come find the Tucks and then marry Jesse