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Q: Why tip of the pin is sharp but the head is broad?
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Why do the thumb pins have pointed tip and a broad head?

how do i know

Why is it easier to push a sharp pin into a board rather then a blunt pin?

A sharp pin has a smaller surface area, which means that the force exerted by the sharp tip is concentrated in a smaller area, making it easier to penetrate the board. In contrast, a blunt pin has a larger surface area, so the force is spread out over a larger area, making it harder to penetrate the board.

what is on a skyscraper?

a very sharp tip

What is the definition for spike?

A sharp pointed tip

What is the geometric term of the tip of a pin?

A point

You have an orange cat with a broad head and white tip at his tail his fur is long but not shaggy and it is tigerstriped with darker orange what kind of cat is he?

Probably just a mixed breed or 'moggy'.

How far away can you kill a rabbit from with a 25 lb compound bow?

it all depend what arrow and tip you use if you use blunt for you need to fairly close to cleanly kill and where you hit it with a blunt tip 10 yards probaly but thats with a head shot with a broad head probaly 20-25 yards

How can you fix a beyblade enternal sharp tip?

try bearing oil or skate wax and then sharpen the tip

What looks like a screwdriver but has a sharp pointed tip?

an awl

What is the head of the match called?

...the head of the match a called the 'HEAD' or 'TIP'

Is a firing pin in a gun pointed or blunt?

On a center fire gun, rounded tip. On a rimfire gun, the tip is shaped a bit like the tip of a screwdriver blade.

What is the name of hell kerbecs performance tip?

ds or defence sharp