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Q: Why the serve in table tennis is right to left?
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What is a counter-drive in table tennis?

Is a professional world,as a 25 years table tennis player,i think it maybe means you hit the ball from left when you use right hand.

What does on serve in tennis mean?

A serve in tennis is when you have the ball to start a game. For instance, the score is 3-4 games, you with 3 games won, and it is your turn to serve. A serve is when you hit the ball on the opposite side of the court in the square. Example: Standing on the right side to serve, you hit it in the square on the left side.

Does server serve from left clear from right?

Serve from the left, clear from the right.

How do you play tennis on ciao Bella?

I felt stupid not knowing too, at first. You just simply press the left and right arrow keys to move left and right respectively. Use the spacebar to serve the ball.

Which side of the tennis court do you serve from in Love-15?

if you are serving, it is the "left" side of the court

Is the line in in tennis?

the second line from left or right

What does forehand stand for in table tennis?

A forehand shot is a shot that is executed where the palm of your hand is facing your opponent, to the right side of the elbow for a right handed player and vice versa for a left handed player.

Does one serve coffee from right or left?

The server should serve the coffee from the right.

How is the periodic table arranged from left to right?

The periodic table is arranged from left to right in the order of atomic numbers.

What is the doubles line in tennis?

the second line from left or right

What are the types of tennis elbow?

right elbow and left elbow

Which court do you serve into first in tennis?

I will interpret this question as asking which SIDE of the tennis court do you serve into first in tennis. The two halves of the tennis court are called "ad" (short for advantage) and "deuce." Your ad court is diagonal to your opponent's ad court and your deuce court is diagonal to your opponent's deuce court. You begin serving on your ad side diagonally into your opponent's ad side. If you are facing the net from the baseline, the ad side is the right and the deuce side is the left. In simpler terms, you start on the right side and serve diagonally into the left side of your opponent's court. This is a link to a tennis court diagram. Perhaps a visual will help better understand the answer to your question. It can be found on the related links.