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Well, per unit time played, it doesn't!

In fact, most other sports would require more oxygen uptake over say a 'regular' ten minute's period of play than tennis.

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Where can you take tennis lessons?

You can go to Tennis coaching class.. Or if you want to know about tennis go to wikipedia. there you can find about Tennis.

I starts to play tennis 15 years old and my coach asks me did you ever train tennis i answer him no can i be in future professional tennis player ilove tennis soo much?

Usually proffesional tennis players have been playing tennis since a young age. It does take quite a while to become quite good at tennis. I started playing tennis when I was 3 and when I was 12 I was flying to different states to play tournament finals. So it did take quite a while. I only got up to that stage because I played up to about 5 time a week since the age of 10. But if you are that determined and if you train hard at least 3 to 4 times a week then you might have a possibility of becoming a proffesional. It is very hard to become that good but if you always carry your determination with you, then you might just make it.

How can you take care of your tennis equipment?

keep your racquet in a tennis case. :)

Where can I take a tennis lesson in Riverside CA?

You can take tennis lessons at the Riverside tennis center or the Andula Park tennis center. There numbers are (951) 686-6196 and (951) 683-0667 respectively speaking.

When a tennis player picks up 3 balls at the start of a game why does he then throw 1 away?

Not all tennis player do this but when you see this happen the tennis player is seeing which ones they want. Most tennis players take two balls before a serve take one to serve and keep the other one in his/her pocket in case he/she misses his first serve, then he has a extra ball to hit.

How is Japanese table tennis different from American table tennis?

The Japanese take this sport seriously and practice a lot so a match in Japan would most likely be a lot more intense.

What is the most popular sport for females?

persoanllally, i think that the most popular sport for oung women to partically to take part in would be, netbal, badminton, and tennis.

How much money does tennis bring in yearly?

NBA players make 30 million a year while tennis players, take for example Roger Federer have only made 30 million in their whole time playing. actually who ever wrote this is wrong the tennis players get payed twenty five million dollars a year believe me i am one........bitch

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Most Science requires some mathematics, but not all math needs science.

Where can you take tennis lessons in cerritos?


Is owning people at a sport such as tennis a good and legal way to take revenge?

Plotting to take revenge on someone through beating them at tennis is not illegal, just childish.

Object of the game table tennis?

Do you know what table tennis room size you need to have?It's probably more than you think...Table tennis room size: Compared to most other sports, the size requirements for table tennis are quite small. Therefore you can play the game almost anywhere.However, the main factor in determining what table tennis room size you need will be the standard of competition being played.Ideally, table tennis should be played in a dedicated space with appropriate facilities permanently available. But as that's not always possible, let's take a look at some other options.So what table tennis room size do you need?See related link....