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Q: Why is the base line flat flowing the you wave?
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Why is the baseline flat following the U wave?

U is recovery wave. After recovery wave the base line is flat, as their is no electrical activity till P wave appears.

Why is the baseline flat following a U wave?

The baseline is flat following a U wave because the U wave represents the end of the ventricular repolarization process. This phase is characterized by the restoration of the myocardial cells to their resting state, resulting in a brief period of electrical inactivity which appears as a flat line on the ECG.

In a transverse wave does the particles of the medium move parallel to the direction?

Longitudinal... No, the particles move transverse to the wave direction. And that they are in 2 perpendicular surfaces, which are intersected in a line, and that line is the base line of the 2 direction waves.

How is amplitude determined in a wave?

Amplitude in a wave is determined by the maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position. It represents the intensity or strength of the wave. The larger the amplitude, the more energy the wave carries.

How are wave-cut bench formed?

Wave-cut benches form through the erosive action of waves along the base of a sea cliff. Gradual erosion caused by the pounding waves weakens the base of the cliff, leading to the retreat of the cliff face and the formation of a flat platform or bench at the base. Over time, this process can create a wave-cut bench.

What is the wave base?

The wave base is the maximum depth at which waves cause significant water motion. Below the wave base, water is relatively undisturbed by wave action. The depth of the wave base is determined by the wavelength of the waves.

Why is the space station's orbit shaped like a sine wave on a world map?

The space station's orbit appears as a sine wave on a world map because the Earth's surface is curved, and the orbit of the space station is essentially a straight line in 3D space. When you project this orbit onto a 2D world map, it gets distorted and appears as a sinusoidal wave due to the curved nature of the map projection.

What is the formation of a wave-cut platform?

A wave-cut platform forms when the continuous erosion of coastal cliffs by wave action causes them to retreat inland. As the waves wear away the base of the cliffs, a flat and relatively smooth surface is left behind, known as a wave-cut platform. This platform is typically located at the base of the cliffs and is constantly shaped by the erosive power of the waves.

What is the base of the wave?

The base of a wave is the lowest point of the wave where it meets the horizontal axis. It represents the starting point of the wave's oscillation.

When a wave with a height of 5 feet and a wavelength of 15 feet has a wave base of?

The wave base of a wave is typically half of the wavelength, so in this case, the wave base would be 7.5 feet deep. The wave base represents the depth at which water is affected by the wave's orbital motion and is used to calculate wave energy and erosion potential.

What is the wave base of a wave that is 200 meters long?

The wave base is typically half the wavelength, so for a wave that is 200 meters long, the wave base would be around 100 meters deep. This is the depth in the ocean at which water motion from a wave is negligible.

What is the wave base of a wave if the height is 5ft and the wavelength is 15ft?

The wave base is typically calculated as half the wavelength, which would be 7.5 feet in this case. The wave base represents the depth at which water movement caused by the wave becomes negligible.