The address of the Pine Valley Library is: 28804 Old Highway 80, Pine Valley, 91962 4400
The phone number of the Pine Valley Library is: 619-473-8022.
Pine Valley Creek Bridge was created in 1974.
Pine Valley Mountain Wilderness was created in 1984.
Pine Valley Covered Bridge was created in 1842.
The area of Pine Valley Mountain Wilderness is 203.282 square kilometers.
Pine Valley, California, is located in San Diego County, in the Mountain Empire region. It's named for the local strand of unique Jeffrey Pine trees, found along the Pine Valley Creek.
The web address of the Pine River Valley Bank is:
I do believe it is in Pennsylvnia
The phone number of the Pine River Valley Bank is: 970-884-9583.
The address of the Pine Valley Community Museum Inc is: Po Box 673, Halfway, OR 97834