Some people say its a healthier. (which it's not)
And for others it is an expression of their religious belief. Like in the Hindu religion cows are sacred.
And some people feel that they are killing something with feelings, and that the animal died because of them.
No one NEEDS meat people eat because they think it tastes good.
Meat is VERY unhealthy for you.
Try to resist meat.
Eat fruit and veggies instead.
If your worried about protein try lentils.
there is vegetarian Pizza, burgers and all kinds of stuff!!
Don't be afraid to try new things!
A vegetarian diet can help loose weight, reduce cholesterol, make you stronger and much more!
no only few people from some specific religion dont eat meat
most hippies are vegitarian ( dont eat meat), or vegans (dont eat meat or drink milk).
Some people like to eat capybara meat but yed=s you can but some people choose not to
There is currently no name for people who do not eat fish, but eat meat.
yes we are carnivores we eat meat some people eat meat carnivores are meat eaters do u eat meat? then you are a carnivore
some one who dont eat meat just veggy lol
Because some animals normally dont eat meat lol
If desert animals eat meat then they are carnivores because they hunt meat I the desert and they hunt in the desert.Carnivores-animals and people eat meatloaf some people don't eat meat then they are vegetarian people that don't like meat and don't eat methinks
NO!!! Thats Terrible, he dont eat meat!
Some meat can and is eaten raw by some people, but there is always the risk of parasites being in the meat and then getting into people.
It depends on the religion of the people. In some religions the meat is not allowed , or some other foods which came from animals , but in some others the meat is allowed.