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Q: Why does the silvered surface help in the loft insulation?
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Why is there loft insulation?

There is loft insulation to keep in all the warm air from the heater

Why does loft insulation help prevent heat loss from your homes?

It Stops Convection - heat rises you stop it going up with the loft insulation and therefore the heat stays in for longer

What are used to help conserve heat in houses?

Loft insulation and double glazing.

Does loft isulation burn?

dependes what type of loft insulation you have

What is loft insulation used for?

It's used to insulate your loft.

How can you put insulation in to sentence?

the loft insulation is bad in that house

What would happen if there was no loft insulation?

With no loft insulation you would lose a lot of heat through your loft and be colder, and spend a lot more money on fuel to keep warm in winter.

Is loft insulation a good insulator?

Yes, loft insulation is a good insulator because it helps to reduce heat loss through the roof of a building. It can help to improve energy efficiency and reduce heating costs by trapping heat inside the building.

What thermal transfer does loft insulation reduce?


How much energy is saved by loft insulation?


Where can one find information on loft insulation prices?

Loft insulation is a relatively inexpensive and easy way to save on energy costs. The cost of insulation varies depending on the size of the loft area. Local insulating companies will come to your home and give you a free quote for your insulating needs.

How the thickness of loft insulation affects heat loss?

The thicker the loft insulation the less heat escapes! The thicker the loft insulation is the more heat loss will be reduced as if it is thicker the more air is trapped between the layers of insulation and thermal energy cannot pass through trapped air causing it to not leave your home and therefore hating it