There isn't a Scottish Olympic team because Scotland is part of Great Britain.
Scotland is on an island called Great Britain. Great Britain consists of Scotland, England and Wales. Northern Ireland is not in Great Britain but it is part of the UK (the same country as Scotland)
England , Scotland , and Wales.England, Scotland and WalesThe island of Great Britain is comprised of England, Scotland and Wales.
Great Britain
England and Scotland
Yes. Scotland is the northern part of the island of Great Britain in the United Kingdom (UK).
Great Britain
England, Scotland, and Wales are the three countries that make up Great Britain.
Scotland is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Great Britain comprises the countries of England, Scotland and Wales.
Great Britain is comprised of England, Scotland and Wales.Britain is comprised of England, Scotland and Wales. However, the country's full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland when Northern Ireland is added.England, Scotland and Wales.
Scotland. However. the full name of the country as recognised at the UN is, 'The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'. So, Great Britain is comprised of England, Scotland and Wales but the UK includes Northern Ireland as well.
Scotland is part of the islands that make up Britain and is part of the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island".