Your rings don't get bigger. When the weather is cold your fingers aren't as big as in warmer weather, especially if the weather is humid. During colder temperatures, to conserve heat, your body doesnt send the same amount of blood to the extremities. This can be seen in the ring size difference.
jupiters rings are bigger than Saturns.
The bones of cold-blooded animals have rings similar to growth rings in trees.
way big bigger then your head
No. Saturn's rings are only 20 meters thick on average.
lord of the rings had a bigger fanbase in a short time then harry potter
Jupiter is bigger, closer, and lacks significant rings.
No, Saturn itself is much larger than its rings. Saturn has a diameter of about 116,000 kilometers, while its rings extend out to a maximum distance of around 282,000 kilometers.
The more ice,rock and gasses join the bigger Saturn gets.
The more carats it has, the bigger it is, and the more money it costs. Most people like big rings over small rings.
When something gets hot it expands and when it gets cold it'll contract
no to make them bigger you have to put something cold on them like ice or snow