The most common cause is an open face at impact. Make sure you are alligned properly and that you turn your wrists over in sync.
A bad slice
Slice: A slice is when the ball is left of the target and then curves sharply to the right for a right-handed player, like the shape of a banana. For beginning golfers this is the typical outcome of most shots. A severe slice is commonly refurred to as a banana ball.
Either use an offset club, or try and turn your hands over through the ball, both these will prevent a slice.
A "banana ball" in golf is an uncontrollable slice. A slice is a shot that curves in the air hard from left to right (for right-handers). It is common among beginners and high-handicap players.
a slice occurs when you take a diagonal backswing. it results in the pulling of the ball harshly to the right. a hook results oppositely.
There are so many causes of a slice that it's impossible to say. The real slice is from hitting the ball with an open clubface. This is usually caused by hitting the ball before the clubhead has caught up with the hands, although a weak grip that hinders closing the clubface is also a major contributor. Hitting off the toe will also cause the ball to go in the slice direction. There are probably more cures than players. "Seek professional help" is the best answer, because the only way to figure out why you slice is to have someone who knows what to look for watch you swing. That being said, how can I resist offering my own advice? I find that if I swing smoothly, without trying to kill the ball with my arms, I am much less likely to slice. And I hit the ball a mile. The only way I can guarantee I won't slice, however, is to play a hole with all the trouble on the hook side. (This notice provided for the humor impaired: that was a joke.)
Shred a slice of cucumber and a slice of potato then blend it together then put it on your face with a cotton ball and leave it on for 20 mins then wash it of. Your welcome
First your stance must be lined up correctly and not too open. Your grip must also be tight or perhaps your club itsself is not solid on impact with the ball. Your position at t-off must also be perfect. If you are too close or standing too straight up you will tend to slice. If you do not correctly T the ball high enough then you will reach for it and slice as well. And lastly follow through with your shot. If you pull your head up early you will slice the ball.
You usually see concentric circles. The inside of an onion is arranged in layers - like a ball inside another ball.
You have to spin or slice the ball hardly, but if you watch the "prince of the tennis'' before, you will know that a ball can't spin that incredible. The ball curved depends on your strength, just spin your hardest!
Depends how you hit it. As a result of the ball being above your feet the ball will naturally hook.
A common form of minshit is the slice. This involves hitting the ground with the club before the ball. This causes the ball to fly high up into the air.