égalité is a French word, and 'deuce' isn't.
The typical sport that uses the term, "deuce", is Tennis or Table Tennis.
In tennis, when both opponents are tied at 40-40, the score is called deuce. Deuce changes to advantage when one opponent scores after achieving deuce.
Deuce is where both players are on 40 in a match of tennis
The term is called "Deuce."
You would hear those words in tennis. They are for keeping score in a game. The game points go from love (0) to 15, 30, 40 and then game. If it is 40 all, it is deuce. To win a deuce, you must win by 2 points. It goes from deuce to the advantage of the player who won that point, and then game.
40:40 Deuce in Tennis
4040 is deuce in tennis