u cant i cloned my eevee by putting it in an empty box then switching to another empty box and shutting it off right after i hit yes but i haven't been able to do it again
you click the soild purple box on the left. then click the white and purple and then the soild purple box will hit the red soild box
so you have to hit the bomb a split second befor the red ones a sometimes it will go throghe the hole ond hit the box then you start shoting the yellow and make the red hit the box. good luck :-)
so you have to hit the bomb a split second befor the red ones a sometimes it will go throghe the hole ond hit the box then you start shoting the yellow and make the red hit the box. good luck :-)
He can if he wants to, but he could be the butt of many jokes! If it is general play, he can tee off from wherever he wants to, but if it is an official competition he has to tee off from the stipulated tee box. If he doesn't feel he hits the ball far enough he could simply hit off the forward tees, but if he really wants to hit off the ladies tees nothing can stop him.
Click the solid purple box on the left and then click on the purple/white box. This will cause the solid purple box on top to knock off the red box....
hit the red box above the triangle
Click all of the red box, except for the one on the left. Just below the remaining red box, there are two blue boxs. Click the blue boxs on the right. Then, beside the remaining red box, there is a blue box with a green box on it. Click that blue box. Then click the remaining red box. Sorry if this sounds confusing. You will get it eventually if you're confused though! ;)
Hit it. Hard
you quickly click the green ball into the hole then the ice then switch to the red and hit the red box easy
you quickly click the green ball into the hole then the ice then switch to the red and hit the red box easy
first cut the string off the ball on the bottom shelf all the way to the left. Then cut off the string attached to the silver ball, it will hit the green ball and go in the box, but immediately after the green ball passes, drop the red ball that was next to the silver ball. that way, the right colored balls and the crown will go into the box. if those 3 items don't go into the red box, you might have to try these steps 1 or 2 more times because it will go in. when they go in, cut the right string off the red ball on the top shelf and then the left. it will go to the right and into the red box. next put the santa hat on the king. then, put the green ball into the cannon and they will go into the box.