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That is the case with a lot of people because the only way you can tell if somebody works out in the gym is if the lot physically strong like big bulging biceps to visible hard six pack abs to they muscular physique.A lot of people claim to work out and tell family,friends or complete Stranger Things like i feel like the fittest woman alive or im stronger than an ox etc these people tend to go into bodybuilding or the army etc and some bodybuilders for example have no muscular look but they say their muscular and strong, it's really an insult to those people who really workout they work their teeth to the bone to get the body get earned and some people claim they are fit and strong.Remember real gym folk with muscles and look muscular are the real deal in fitness those other people without muscles but claim they are muscular are not what they say they are.

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Q: Why do some people who say they are in very good shape their have worked out a lot but still look thin and skinny where most bodybuilder's you can tell they work out because their muscles show?
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Can you still be a body builder if you are fat?

Yes, you'd be a fat bodybuilder. Skinny people wanting to be bodybuilders may find it nearly impossible to be muscular.

What body build has the most muscles?

All physically normal people have the same number of muscles. Bodybuilding is the art of sculpting the body. Since even champion bodybuilders have different physiques, they sculpt their bodies in different ways. For example, someone with skinny calf muscles will train harder on working them than someone who has naturally bigger calves. Therefore, certain bodybuilders will have certain muscle groups than are larger than other bodybuilders have. Nevertheless, it is not a matter of one having more muscles than the other one has has since all physically normal people have the same number.

Why does everyone like skinny jeans?

Not everyone likes skinny jeans. The people that do like skinny jeans like it because it looks good on their body, and in this day and age people tend to like skinny people, so skinny jeans merely contour the body.

If you are skinny does that mean they are popular?

helllllllllllllllllllllllllllll no ur saying that because you are fat and you hate skinny people... FATTIE!!!!!

Why are most skinny people ugly?

Because they can't have everything.

Do you have to be skinny to wear skinny jeans?

Of coarse not! skinny jeans is for everybody, I've seen chunky people wearing them, and very skinny people (like me) wearing them, and they look pretty good on anybody. SKINNY jeans are for EVERYONE! Just because you're not a size nothing or even a 3 or 4 doesn't mean you cant wear something you like. Don't get discouraged because you looking the mirror and something doesn't fit right. I'm sorry, but I feel that you do need to be super skinny to wear skinny jeans. Because fat people (like me) don't look good in skinny jeans. They make my butt appear rather large and in charge. I wear skinny jeans because its the style Anyone can wear them to me they look better on bigger people than skinny people I am too skinny and can never find a pair of skinny jeans to fit i have to shop in the childrens section and it sucks so bad! if i were you, I'd count myself lucky that to have a choice to wear them! By no means do you have to be 'super skinny' at all! I think they look good on curvy people and I admire curvy people who wear them

Do overweight people have a smaller penis than skinny people?

skinny people don't have a bigger penis but because they're skinny it looks bigger. weight has noting at all to do with size of penis, although taller people usually have larger penis.

Do skinny people have heart attacks?

Yes, you can be skinny and still have a heart attack. It is because you have diabetes, family history, or you are smoking.

Do fat people wish they were skinny?

some probably do, but i don't see the point really. in slavic culture being skinny means you're weak, which is kind of bad. But being skinny is unhealthy, you have trouble gaining weight and muscle. While fat people have more muscle than skinny people and can gain it easier than mesomorphs. based on this, i would say no, because the only thing that skinny people can brag about are their six packs, which onyl shows because they're skinny.

How does exercise make you skinny?

if I'm correct it is that you work your muscles and the fat dissolves away and you are skinny. my question is where did the fat go.

Why do people wear skinny jeans?

for fashion, its almost like saying why do people wear high heels. also because you look good in skinny jeans but not if you are chubby

Do you have to be skinny to be on kids bop?

Just because the people in the videos are skinny doesn't mean you can't be in kidz bop. It depends on how well you can sing.