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Because it is more aerodynamic,,and is all together better quality.

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Q: Why do expert badminton players prefer shuttlecock with natural feathers rather than plastic one?
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Uses of shuttlecock?

a shuttlecock is either a plastic or feathered conical objet. feathered are usually 14-16 goose feathers and are put to better use if advanced players use them,...otherwise they will be destroyed in minutes

What sport plays with a shuttlecock?

A shuttlecock is traditionally made with goose feathers stuck into a cork base, but rubber and plastic shuttlecocks are more common now, as they are less easier to become damaged or ripped. The sport that shuttlecocks are used in is badminton.

What is a badminton racquet made of?

There are two different types of shuttle. You can get plastic or feather. Both are made with a cork head. The flight is either made up from plastic or goose feathers, depending on the type of shuttle.

Where would you use a shuttlecock?

Easy, Badminton Feather Shuttlecocks are for professionals Plastic are for amateurs.

What are the vanes used to be made of them in badminton?

The base is made of cork.

The ball used in badminton?

A shuttlecock (often abbreviated to shuttle and also known as a bird or birdie) is a high-drag projectile, with an open conical shape: the cone is formed from sixteen overlapping goose feathers embedded into a rounded cork base. The cork is covered with thin leather. Shuttles with a plastic skirt are often used by recreational players to reduce their costs as feathered shuttles break easily.

What type of feather's are used in a Olympic shuttlecock?

in old style and very good quality shuttlecocks they use real feathers. Most though are made of plastic

What are the different parts of the racket and shuttlecock?

The shuttlecock has two different parts that helps it to fly once it has been hit, the cock and the feathers. The cock is the head piece which has the most weight. The feathers are the back in of the piece and can be easily damaged while playing in a game. The feathers have been developed into a plastic skirt for longer play.

What do you call the thing you hit in bagminton?

In badminton, the thing you hit is called a shuttlecock. It is a feathered or plastic projectile with a conical shape that players hit back and forth over the net with their rackets.

What are shuttle cock made out of?

Shuttlecocks characteristically are light weight and are thereby affected by the wind. Thus professional badminton is played indoors as even the slightest breeze can effect the direction of the shuttlecock.

Why does badminton called badminton?

Badminton took its name from the Gloucestershire seat of the dukes of Beaufort, (England) where it is believed to have evolved in the 1870s from the older game of shuttlecock. The original name of Badminton was Ha Ha

How have badminton rackets changed?

It is a racket specifically made for badminton. They have a low weight ranging from 70-95 grams (2-3.5 ounces). They are made of a range of reenforced plastic to solid steel. They can have carbon nanotubes in it now days which are very light weight. They have have stings that looks like a regular grid of squares. The strings are the with of about .67 mm and they have the tension of 80-160 newtons. They are usually low for regular players and higher for professionals.The thing you hit the shuttlecock with. Like baseball- theres a bat (badminton racket) and a ball (shuttlecock).