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The Boston Marathon is a foot race of 26 miles, 385 yards (42.2 km.), that is run annually in the City of Boston.

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16y ago
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11y ago

Severalexplosionsoccurredtoday at the Boston Marathon. Several people were killed.

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8y ago

John Graham was inspired to organize the first Boston Marathon in 1897 after witnessing the 1896 Olympics Marathon

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Q: Why did the Boston marathon bombing happen?
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What day did the Boston marathon bombing happen?

Monday, April 15

Where did the Boston marathon happen?

In Boston

What happened during the Boston Marathon?

There was a bombing that took place during the marathon on April 15, 2013.

What events have happened in 2013 so far?

The Boston Marathon Bombing

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A good One

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Rock Center with Brian Williams - 2011 Boston Marathon Bombing Special was released on: USA: 19 April 2013

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Pastor Mike Online - 2011 Boston Marathon Bombing the Godhead and Salvation 1-159 was released on: USA: 16 April 2013

What date did the Boston bombing happen?

the 15 of March

When did the Boston Marathon happen?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Was the Boston marathon bombing a conspiracy?

Who knows. Some people believe in conspiracies and some people don't. Believe what you wish.

How long was Jeff Bauman in the hospital?

Jeff Bauman was in the hospital for approximately 45 days after the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013.