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She didn't it was a misunderstanding.

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Q: Why did hope solo get kicked off the team?
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drugs fighting drinking uh anything against the rules but idk the rules there so ya Drinking, doing drugs, going to jails, all that stuff can get you kicked off your or a soccer why do it?? Drinking, doing drugs, going to jails, all that stuff can get you kicked off your or a soccer why do it??

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Dawn gets kicked off total drama revenge of the island 4th. She gets kicked off on Backstabbers Ahoy. The reason why Dawn was kicked off because Scott framed her and sent her packing. I hope this answers your question

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yes because x-sabre is when the player was on the team once and ether got traded or kicked off the team xx-sabre means the same thing but the player got ether got traded or got kicked off the team.