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He failed a drug test instituted by the US Olympic Committee. Tested positive for cocaine and marijuana.

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Q: Why did Kane Waselenchuk leave professional Racquetball for two years?
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Did Sioux Indians invent racquetball?

The sport of Racquetball does not have a long history like many other sports that are popular today. Racquetball is a game that was developed from other popular sports in early 20th century. It is a combination of handball, tennis, a Spanish sport - Jai Alai, and squash. Some say that the beginning of racquetball started in prisons in the 1800's when prisoners were allowed balls to hit against the walls. During this time it was just called "rackets". However, in America, the game can be traced back to the 1920's. It was Joseph G. Sobek who was a professional handball, squash and tennis player from Greenwhich, Connecticut in the 1940's that has taken most credit for the invention of the game. At this time, racquetball was still known as paddle rackets. At that time, history states that he was working in a rubber factory and it was where he worked that Sobek had designed the rubber ball that is used for the sport today. He, along with a partner also decided to combine the rules of handball and squash and start the rules for the racquetball. There were various forms of rackets and paddles, as well as balls that were used over the years until the right paddle and all was formed. Even today, the rules for racquetball can very. For example, in Australia, the racquetball court is played in a standard international squash court, which is 32 ft. X 21ft. (Americans play in a 40 ft X 20ft court). The Australians also follow the rules where if the ball touches the ceiling, the ball is considered to be out. In American rules, the court plays. These Australian rules are from the Victorian Racquetball Federation

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