

Who rides a bicycle?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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6y ago

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Any one who wants to and can buy a bike.
i do
evary body (blind people, limb less people,kids,adults,older people) there a type of bike for evary one recumbent,trikes,velomobile,road bike all sorts I ride a bicycle. I ride for exercise and for sport. Road bike for group rides. Time trial bike for triathlon and training. Mountain bike for lolly gagging with my son and wife.

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Cyclist means that he or she is a person who rides a bicycle.

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A bicyclist is a person who rides a bicycle. Bicyclists use their legs to pedal and move the bike forward. They are a common sight on roads, bike lanes, and trails.

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"Cyclist" is a noun. It refers to a person who rides a bicycle.

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Candy Rides - 2012 was released on: USA: 29 June 2012 (Bicycle Film Festival)

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3 halves, or 1.5, or 1 1/2 minutes

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The person who is riding a bicycle is a cyclist.

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