Murray Halberg
A marathon is a race that is 26 miles in length. At least 10 percent of women run marathons each year.
7 to 9 minutes is what you would get if you had done no prior running or are not in shape. 5 to 6 minutes is what you would get if you were in shape or had some prior running. Sub 5 minute miles are serious runners.
i prefer (on mini-uzi) marathon lightweight and steady aim added note by cr1m50n. COD4:bandolier,stopping(you could use double tap) and dead silence COD5:COD5 abvations of above COD6:marathon,lightweight and commando COD7:lightweight,slight of hand and marathon but this is my opinion you go with what suites you
There is usually a sub dial which indicates the hour, the large central hand, the minutes, and another smaller sub dial, the seconds.
The question should read,"Which famous New Zealander ran over 100 sub 4 minute miles"? John Walker
3,6,9,12 A sub 1 = First (3) a sub n = a sub (n-1) + change (3)
When he ran out of the sub station in a hurry and she followed him and he automatically turned into a wolf infront of her.
John Boyle
Answer - How to install sub-hour information display?
Roger Bannister ran the first sub four-minute mile on May 6, 1954 during an event between British AAA and Oxford University at Iffley Road Track in Oxford.