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Q: Who many times does the ball hit the floor before your out in tennis?
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How many times does a tennis ball bounce before it stops bouncing from different heights?

It bounces 134 times before it stops.

How can you get rid of smudges on a laminate floor?

You won't believe this one...a tennis ball. Simply rub a tennis ball on the scuff and it will come right up. Put the tennis ball on an old mop stick and have a ball getting marks off the floor. Trust me..Walmart uses this one.

Diamter of a tennis ball?

a dimater of a tennis ball is god nose what

In tennis what is the name of the play when the ball doesnt hit the floor?


How many times would you have to enlarge a cheek cell to make it the same diameter as a tennis ball?

A cheek cell has an average diameter of 60 micrometers. A tennis ball has a diameter of 6.7 centimeters. This means that the tennis ball is about 1120 times the size of the cheek cell.

How does a new tennis ball affect a game of tennis?

The tennis ball needs to have a very good bounce so that the player can hit it most times it comes to them it also needs to be firm

When did the first tennis ball appear?

Sometime before 1480

What color is the tennis ball before its green?

yellow i think

Why does a tennis ball bounce higher when heat is applied?

The reason why the tennis ball bounces higher is because when heat is applied the tennis ball expands making it more like a fly away football 'makes it lighter' when it is bounced it hits the floor and had more air in it so therefore bounces higher.

What is the world record for bouncing a table tennis ball ona table tennis bat?

11000 times approx...

How many times is the ball allowed to bounce in wheelchair tennis?

Only one bounce is allowed during any point during a tennis match. The player is allowed to hit the ball in the air without it bouncing once but if the ball bounces twice then the point is over and the point is awarded to the player that hit the ball that bounced more than once.

Can you hit the ball in table tennis before it touches your side of the table?

No the ball must touch your side of the table before you can hit it