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your mothers Chuck Norris' fathers dads grandpas moms cousins mom did.

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Q: Who made the first tennis shoe?
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What was the first shoe made out of?

The first shoe was made out of delicate cloth. :)

What rapper got the first tennis shoe endorsement?

I don't know, who cares

What is the plural of tennis shoe?

Tennis shoes.

The Origins of the Tennis Shoe?

The tennis shoe is called different names depending on where you are in the world. Athletic shoe is the generalized name that refers to a shoe intended for sports. If one is in Europe, the tennis shoe is known as trainers, gym boots, and runners. The British also sometimes call this shoe gutties. Americans tend to call the shoe sneakers. This is the name that school boys gave to these shoes. According to historical accounts, Gola coined the name trainers when he created the tennis shoe in 1968. In 1907, the Spaulding company introduced shoes geared specifically for basketball. In 1917, the popular All Star Converse brand was born. The demand for the tennis shoe was small at first. However, after World War I, the United States began to embrace sports and athletics. Sports was a way of showing patriotism and moral fiber to the rest of the world. Furthermore, the demand in the U.S. for the tennis shoe increased when popular sports figures began to endorse this shoe. Converse were endorsed by a popular basketball star by the name of Chuck Taylor. Jim Thorpe was the first football player to endorse the tennis shoe. Popularity was certainly increasing in the Us. They youth begin to embrace this shoe, and it began to decorate the fashion pages in the U.S. Today, the tennis shoe is still a staple in the American wardrobe. Wearing jeans and tennis shoes are totally American. Around the world. the tennis shoe is also a hot fashion item. The tennis shoe is casual, yet it can still be quite fashionable. Modern sports figures endorse many types of shoes. In fact, the tennis shoe commands quite a price tag. The demand for the tennis shoe is so high that there are numerous stores in the U.S. and around the world that sell only sneakers. There is a style for every type of physical activity. There are numerous different designs that can appeal to the most discriminating taste. The tennis shoe is definitely not going anywhere anytime soon. In conclusion, it is best to truly discover what brand of shoe works best for you. Manufacturers design the shoe in a variety of ways, and people tend to favor certain brands over the other.

Who invented the first pair of tennis shoes?

The First Pair Of Trainers Were Invented By A Chap Called Patrick Kennedy In 1899, he Lived In Liverpool and Originally Invented Adidas But Sold His Idea To Adi Dassler which Is Ironic To His Name, he sold this buisness to save his dying friend Jordan Cosgrove Also From Liverpool.

Who was the first shoe made?


WHen was the sneaker shoe first invented?

In the 1840's, Goodyear came up with the first vulcanized rubber galoshes; in the 1870s, he made canvas-and -rubber tennis shoes that were an early version of sneakers. Actual sneakers, however, were invented by the conglomerate that bought Goodyear's shoe company in 1892 -- U.S. Rubber.

What was the first tennis raquet made out of?


When was the first videogame made?

"Tennis for Two was the first videogame ever made and was made in 1958.

Which shoe results in a better performance tennis shoes or spike shoes?

tennis shoes

What material was the first shoe made out of?

The first shoes were made out of animal hides or leather.

What was the first arcade?

Tennis was the first arcade game ever made..!