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The world ranking for Table Tennis are issued each month, so the number one player in the world can change each month.

In February 2013 the number one male player was Xu Xin of China, and the number one female player was Ding Ning of China.

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Q: Who is the number one ping pong player in the world?
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The World Champion in 1963 was Zhuang Zedong from China.

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The ping pong robot help you practice your tale-tennis skills without needed a human partner. It has a camera that follows the ball as well as a mechanism for catching the ping pong ball and returning it to the player. Find the ping pong robot video and more over here:

Who is the best ping pong player in asia?

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Who is the worst tennis player ever?

john klingerman to this day is the worst ping pong player ever. we know this because he has played a total of 300 ping pong matches and he hasn't scored one point. so then he was declared the worst ping pong player ever.

China's most famous ping pong player?

Zhung Zedong is the best ping pong player. He won the world's men singles three times. He is born in 1940 and he has a wife name Bao Huiqiao she is a pianist from Chinese.They have a son called Zhung Biao. Then he got a second wife name Sasaki Atsuko from Japanese.