The best running back is Tyler Olsen (aka ~T-23~) plays for the south sevier rams!
William thomas(will thomas)
Laura Roesler could be said to be the fastest high school track runner in North Dakota at this time (2011-2012). She has set records at high school meets in both North Dakota and South Dakota and has qualified for the Olympic Trials.
well... that all depends on the amount of energy, the course, and the feeling of the runner at that specific time. i race cross country and the winner for my jr high school is at a 5:40 mile... good but not the best. so no there is no specific fastest cross country runner. For a 5k (3.1 miles), which is what high schoolers run the best time is 15:02. Evan Apple used to run at my school and he ran at a time of 15:10. He was 3rd in the nation. Craig Lutz is the fastest high school cross country runner in the nation.
Aston is the fastest runner.
usain bolt is the fastest runner in the world
Wesley Paul is the fastest boy runner
yes he seams to be the fastest runner on the Phillies
ben lowry is the worlds fastest runner ever
jusan bolt is the fastest runner in 2010
Sonic, he is the fastest runner in the whole game
Yes, the ostrich is the fastest runner on two legs.