The correct spelling is decathlon.
A decathlon :)
The name "Cio-Cio-San" is pronounced as "choh-choh-sahn." In Italian phonetics, "cio" is pronounced as "choh" and "san" is pronounced as "sahn." The emphasis is typically placed on the second syllable of each word, so it is pronounced with a slight stress on "choh" and "sahn."
The conjugate acid of CIO- is HClO. When CIO- gains a proton, it forms HClO as its conjugate acid.
The word decathlon does not have an antonym.
The Activision Decathlon happened in 1983.
The Last Decathlon was created in 1980.
Olympic Decathlon was created in 1980.
Olympic Decathlon happened in 1981.
Intellectual Decathlon happened in 1984.
Intellectual Decathlon was created in 1984.
Decathlon Group was created in 1976.