Hollie Salvo:
From what i have heard, she is this amazing girl. i heard she is a pro golfer and she is pretty sexy. she is a girl that knows what she wants most of the time, and she knows how to have fun. she likes to hang out with friends and be with everyone she loves. if you dont know her you should probably get to know her because your life wont be the same or as good if you dont.
Dan Hollie's birth name is Daniel Hollie.
Hollie Steel goes by Hollie bee Steel.
Par Hollie
Hollie Lo's birth name is Hollie Beatrice Lo.
Hollie Lobosky's birth name is Hollie Marie Lobosky.
Hollie Dykes's birth name is Hollie Johnston Dykes.
Hollie Cavanagh's birth name is Hollie Jessica Cavanagh.
Hollie Winnard's birth name is Hollie Anne Winnard.
Hollie Vise's birth name is Hollie Diane Vise.
The cast of Sophie and Hollie - 2013 includes: Hollie Richards as Hollie Tony Sams as Dad
The audience erupted in a salvo of laughter.