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Galya and Giovanni Ferrari

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Q: Who is Vanessa Ferrari's dad and mom?
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Is Vanessa Hudgens's mom or dad Italian?

none of vanessa's parents are italian

Who is Vanessa Ferrari's dad mom?

Giovanni and Gayla

Is vanessa mom and dad still together?

Vanessa's parents were still married until her father's death.

Is Vanessa Hudgen's mom or dad Italian?

none of her parent's are italian

What nationality is Vanessa Ann Hugens?

from her mom, she is spanish, Chinese, and . from her dad, she is Irish

Where were Vanessa Hudgens parents born?

Her mom is from the Philippines and her dad is from here the U.S.A.

You want to know all about vanessa hudgen?

Her mom is a Filipino, and her dad's an American...

What country is Vanessa Hudgens from?

vanessa hudgens is origanally from united states but her mom is from the philiphines and her dad is Irish

What is vanessa morgan's ethnicity?

Mixed. Her dad is East African and her mom is Scottish.

Who is the author of Zac Efron the book?

his mom and dad and also vanessa hudgens

What is Vanessa Hudgens' mom and Dad's name?

Gina Guangco Hudgens and Greg Hudgens Diesel

What is Vanessa Hudgens mom name?

her mum is called Gina,, her dad is called Greg,,