Serena's last name has not been mentioned in the Anime, game, or on any Pokemon wiki.
Serena in Arabic is :ســيرينا .
Serena Varghese's birth name is Serena Beth Varghese.
Well, there are 40,000,000 Serena's but I Serena am the most important Serena of all.
Serena is just Serena in German; there is no German translation for it.
The Women's Singles at the 2009 Australian Open was won by Serena Williams, who beat Dinara Safina in the final.
Serena Grandi's birth name is Faggioli, Serena.
Serena Williams is an Olympic atlas
セレナ Serena
Serena - Kelena
Serena Williams's birth name is Serena Jameka Williams.
Serena Reeder's birth name is Serena Olanthe' Reeder.