The masculine of baroness is baron.
Owen Owen was created in 1868.
Owen Owen ended in 2007.
Owen Wyn Owen was born in 1921.
Owen Wyn Owen died in 2012.
Owen Beckman goes by Owen Owen.
Anthony Morton has written: 'Sport for the baron' 'The Baron and the missing old masters' 'Danger for the Baron' 'Baron at bay' 'The Baron and the arrogant artist' -- subject- s -: Fiction in English 'The Baron in France' 'Meet the Baron' 'The Baron and the unfinished portrait' 'Shadow the Baron' -- subject- s -: Fiction in English 'The Baron - King-Maker' -- subject- s -: Fiction in English 'The Baron again' 'Help from the Baron' -- subject- s -: Fiction in English 'The Baron goes east'
Owen Owen - school inspector - died in 1920.
Owen Owen - school inspector - was born in 1850.
The Tagalog word for the wife of a baron is "baronesa."
Baron is a noun.