Currently #1 is: SOUMYADEEP ROY
The following links help confirm that answer; and they also
give important information about Table Tennis in India:
Here are all of the player rankings in India:
Nov. 13, 2006 -- Joe Gervais (id = JoeG314) -- TT player in Saint Paul, Minnesota
[Google: Joe G TT info]
Andrew Baggaley is the current England national champion (2010).
The Table Tennis World Champion of 1969 was Shigeo Itoh from Japan.
tennis table champion
Fred Perry of England.
Molly Hancock from Stoke on Trent Staffordshire
The World Champion in 2007 was Wang Liqin of China.
No Jamie Oliver was not World Champion
wang hao (China)
Maurice Foster
The World Champion of 2001 was Wang Liqin of China.
Fred perry