Someone who couldn't carry a 10 pin! I purposely didn't say 7 pin because lefties ALWAYS CARRY.
Five pin bowling was invented by Tommy Ryan in Canada.
"No-tap" bowling is a fun tournament format where hitting a set number of pins with your first ball counts as a strike. Nine-no-tap is the most common - if you hit nine pins, you score a strike. You can also do a no-tap game where every bowler has a different no-tap count - maybe you have a parent-child bowling tournament where the parents are throwing nine no-tap and the kids seven or eight no-tap.
9 pin no tap, means if you throw your first ball down the lane and take out only 9, then it is a strike and the lane resets to 10 pins and you move on to the next frame. Ninepin bowling and 9 pin no tap are not the same thing. Ninepin bowling is a type of "bowling." No tap is a game type played within "Tenpin" (traditional US alley bowling).
The early Egyptians invented bowling
"No-tap" Bowling is a fun tournament format where hitting a set number of pins with your first ball counts as a strike. Nine-no-tap is the most common - if you hit nine pins, you score a strike. You can also do a no-tap game where every bowler has a different no-tap count - maybe you have a parent-child bowling tournament where the parents are throwing nine no-tap and the kids seven or eight no-tap.
in america
it was invented in the 1800s
There is tenpin bowling, duckpin bowling, fivepin bowling, ninepin bowling. Variations of tenpin include color pin, red head pin, 9 pin no tap, Monte Carlo, Even/Odds, Low ball, and best frame.
the one who needed tu tap something.
I don't know who exactly invented bowls but I do know that it was invented in England around 1190.
William Lillywhite