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For men the record is 1,724 by Mike Baskett and Todd Clatanoff from Plano, Texas on June 29, 2006 and for women the record is 1,591 by Angela Brick and Sue Jeziorski from Endicott, NY. on Feb. 22, 2005. Both records are according to the USBC Records book.

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Stan kodish of Tampa Florida bowled 8 202 games in a row in 1985 in Toledo Ohio in the pba national tournament

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Q: Who held the Record for highest doubles series in bowling?
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What is the highest three game set in bowling by an Afro American?

Jeremy Bright score a 889 series making him the highest series scorer who is black.

What is the highest possible series in bowling?

The highest possible 3 game series is 900. As of today, December 6, 2009, there have been 15 sanctioned 900 series with an additional unsanctioned 900 series.

What is the all time highest score recorded while Bowling?

100 is the worst televised bowling score ever recorded.

Which player holds the record for the most doubles in a World Series?


Who holds record for most doubles in a World Series?

Pete Fox of the Detroit Tigers with 6 doubles in the 1934 World Series.

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What player has the record for the most doubles in a single world series?

Pete Fox

What player has the record for most doubles in a world series game?

Pete Fox

What is the highest you can get in a 3 game bowling series?

900 is a perfect series in tenpin bowlling.

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Rogers Horsnby

What is the highest score in duckpin bowling?

The highest possible score is the same as in tenpin bowling. A perfect game would consist of 12 consecutive strikes in the same game = 300 pins.The highest actual score, however, is 279, bowled by Pete Signore Jr. of Connecticut on March 5, 1992. (The record for a woman is 265, set by Carol Gittings of Maryland on May 6, 1973.)

What is a bowling series?

total pinfall of three games of bowling (max: 900)