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There is no record for 11 year olds for track

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Q: Who has the fastest time for an 11 yr old in the 400 meter?
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What is the fastest time a 12 year old ran the 400 meter race?

my is 2:55 and i'm not joking

What is the fastest 400 meter run by an high school student?

The world record was set in February 2009 for the fastest 400 meter run by a high school student. Sixteen year old, Colton Hyde of Lynnville, completed a 42 second 400 meter dash.

What is the fastest 400 meter time for a 10 year old boy?

Jackson Ortolano a time of: 15.12

Who has run the fastest 400 meter time for a 13 year old?

In the Pacific School Games Records for a boy : 52.08 seconds. Thomas Martin (2008) For a girl : 57.2 seconds. Vanessa Fielding (1984)

What is the Fastest 1600 meter time for 14 year old boys?

A great time is anything 5 minutes or lower.

What is a good time in the 400 meter dash for a 11 year old boy?

1min 10secs should be a good time

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What is the fastest time for a 13 year old girl in the 400 meter?

57.2 secs (Vanessa Fielding 1984). Pacific School Games records are here for all age groups :

What is the fastest time for a boy between 10 and 11 years old in the 100 meter dash?

The record for a 11 year old was 8.46 seconds set in 2010.

What is good time for 14 year old girl 400 mETER?

about 55 to 60 second maybe, i can run it in 56.21 second you

how fast was the fastest 14 year old girls 100 meter dash?

11.6 Seconds

What is the standard for a 13 year old girl in 100 meter sprint?

The standard for a 13 year old girl is around 12-13 seconds. It also depends on how good that girl is. I am in Track and Field and I do 100 meter sprints. My fastest time is 13.54 and I am 13. Most girls get around that time.