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Kim Clisters probably has the best top spin lob in the mens or womens game. Not only is it incredibly effective but she uses very often.

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Q: Who has the best topspin lob in tennis?
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Related questions

What are the 2 shots in tennis?

basic: forehand, backhand, serve, lob. advanced: topspin, slice, flat, and dropshot

What are the names of the shots in table tennis?

the main shot is the backhand and forehand drive but there is also topspin, loop, flick, chop, push, lob, block, chop block and that's all of the main shots.

What is the newest tennis game for the XBOX 360?

Topspin 4

What is the forward rotation put on a tennis ball called?

Its called Topspin.

In what sport would you see a lob?

In tennis

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What causes a tennis ball or a coin to spin?

When the ball hits the tennis racket, topspin (preffered stroke of tennis) makes the ball spin. The upward motion of the racket hitting the tennis ball.

When a player strikes the ball so that it spins from low to high as it travels forward?

This is called a topspin shot. The topspin creates a downward force on the ball, causing it to dip and bounce higher upon landing. It is a popular technique in tennis and table tennis for adding control and depth to the shot.

What grip do you use to hit a buggy whip shot in tennis?

Use an Eastern grip, make contact slightly behind you, swing almost straight up, snap your wrist, and finish on the right side of your body. It's all topspin. Practice by dropping a ball a few feet to your right. Hit the shot on the run when a netrusher volleys out wide to your forehand. You can go behind him crosscourt, go down the line, or open the face for a sweet topspin lob.

When would you use a lob in tennis?

Love is used for 0 points scored

What is lob stroke in tennis?

A lob stroke is hit with a low-to-high swing. It is struck to have a high trajectory, well over the height of an opponent at full stretch at the net, and to land near the baseline. A lob can be used defensively, to give oneself time to recover in the point and to force the opponent away from the net, even if the opponent may have an overhead smash as his next shot. Defensive lobs are often hit with underspin. A lob can also be used offensively, to win the point outright. Offensive lobs are often hit with topspin and are especially effective when the opponent's momentum is forward, towards the net. Offensive lobs are more difficult to hit successfully, because of the precise timing required to generate topspin in that motion. Lobs are typically hit as normal groundstokes, but may be hit from a volleying position as well.

What is a 5 letter word of tennis?

match, point, serve, ad out