Tiger Woods, because he had a hot wife, and cheated on her. He was a hero for many before then.
It depends on which country you're talking about. In some countries, it never got shunned or criminalized.
Some people shunned Tiger Woods because of race as he is part Black, part Asian and isn't entirely within one world or the other. Most people shunned him because of his horrible behavior towards his wife, Erin; his infidelity and his sexual peccadilloes.
They have usually violated some social rule or taboo.
The word "declasse" usually means "out of fashion/style". Another meaning of this word is used to describe a person who has been shunned by society. Below are some examples of ways you might use the word declasse in a sentence: That sweater is so declasse! --OR-- I prefer not to associate with declasse people.
Don't cheat, this answer has been logged. Some people criticized postwar society in the United States because they feared the U.S. was becoming a materialistic culture. Consumerism and lack of individualism were also targets of critics.
"Even in our society, there are many people living in poverty." "Some people feel that society today has no morals." "It can be difficult to find a place in society."
some people go to school and some get home school
An outcast is someone who has been rejected or excluded from a group or society, often due to their behaviors or beliefs. An outsider is someone who is not part of a particular group or community, but may or may not be accepted or welcomed by others. Essentially, an outcast has actively been pushed away, while an outsider is simply not part of the group.
Socialism and society can be intertwined to create a 'for the people' state. The bulk of the power is left in the hands of the people instead of being completely controlled by a government or single governing body. There have been many forms of socialism in history, some with excellent results and some that have crippled countries for decades.
English would have been the main language, but Gaelic would have been spoken by some people there, as some people still do now.English would have been the main language, but Gaelic would have been spoken by some people there, as some people still do now.English would have been the main language, but Gaelic would have been spoken by some people there, as some people still do now.English would have been the main language, but Gaelic would have been spoken by some people there, as some people still do now.English would have been the main language, but Gaelic would have been spoken by some people there, as some people still do now.English would have been the main language, but Gaelic would have been spoken by some people there, as some people still do now.English would have been the main language, but Gaelic would have been spoken by some people there, as some people still do now.English would have been the main language, but Gaelic would have been spoken by some people there, as some people still do now.English would have been the main language, but Gaelic would have been spoken by some people there, as some people still do now.English would have been the main language, but Gaelic would have been spoken by some people there, as some people still do now.English would have been the main language, but Gaelic would have been spoken by some people there, as some people still do now.
It depends on the area. Some countries and states do not discriminate and gay people enjoy all the same rights as straight people (although it's true that gay people still experience bigotry in these societies). Gay people in most societies of the past 2000 years have been shunned or regarded as evil or sick. This comes mainly from Christianity and Islam. But some bigotry is fear-based as well.
Amell is pronounced A-mel, long A, but some people use the short A to pronounce it uh mel, but they're commies and should be shunned by all societies if not shot on sight.