

Best Answer

Eddy Merckx (considered the best allrounder of all time)

Stephen Roche (special tripple crown of cycling: tour, giro and world champ same year!)

Sean Kelly (one of the best 'classics' riders and tour green jersey winners)

Bernard Hinault (5 tour wins)

Miguel Indurain (5 tour wins)

Jacques Anquetil (5 tour wins)

Laurant Jalabert

Chippolini (famous sprinter)

Fausto Copi

Marco Pantani (famous climber synomous w/ tour and Giro)

Lance Armstrong (record 7 tour wins)

Jan Ullrich (the bridesmaid in the lance show!, though fantastically gifted in own right)

Chris Boardman (TT specialist held/holds? records TT)

Greg Lemond

Eric Zabbel

Bjarne Riis (famous quote: "did you do drugs" -answer "I was never caught"

Lance Armstrong is one of the all time best. He won the tour de France 7 times in a row. But before he did that he had already had to fight off cancer that had spread to his brain. He retired in 2006. He then came back in 2009 to ride in the tour de France. He finished 3rd that year. Armstrong rode the tour de France this year (2010), and then retired again.

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