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Q: Which vitamin are of nervous system?
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How do they keep the nervous system healthy?

Complex vitamin B. Every B vitamin has something to do with the nervous system.

What vitamin helps the nervous and immune system functions?

vitamin B6

What vitamin helps and nervous and immune system function efficiently?

vitamin B6

Which vitamin helps the nervous and immune system function efficiently?

Vitamin B6

What vitamin helps the nervous and immune system systems function efficiently?

vitamin B6

Vitamin B12 is essential for the proper functioning of what?

nervous system

What vitamin is known as niacin or nicotinic acid and assists in the normal functioning of the digestive and nervous system?


Beri beri is the deficiancy caused by which vitamin B1 or b5?

Beriberi (pronounced /bɛriˈbɛri/) is a nervous system ailment caused by a deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1) in the diet.

What is the job for vitamin B1 in your body?

vitamin b1 breaks down the carbohydrates that you consume, also helps to keep the heart working properly, and maintains the nervous system.

What's the difference between vitamin B6 and vitamin B12?

Vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are both important for the body, but they have different roles. Vitamin B6 helps with metabolism and the nervous system, while vitamin B12 is crucial for red blood cell production and nerve function.

How do you keep nervous systems healthy?

Vitamin B Complex plays a major role in keeping your nervous system healthy. Have foods which are rich in it or take vitamin supplements if needed. Exercise the system by writing ten minutes in paper daily to stimulate the sensory and motor neurons. P.S just do your best

What water soluble vitamins are used to treat Beriberi disease?

Beriberi is a nervous system aliment caused by Vitamin B1 deficiency. The symptoms of Beriberi are, weight loss, depression, weakness, and pain. Possible solutions are to inject high doses of B1 into your muscles.Thiamine (Vitamin B1) can help prevent Beriberi.Beriberi is a nervous system ailment caused by a deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1) in the diet