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Q: Which part of Spain does Rafael nadel originate from?
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Italian food oringinated from the central part of Spain

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Rafael Correa is a part of Alianza Pais. Rafael Correa is a part of Alianza Pais.

Has Toni Nadal who coaches Raphael Nadal ever played football?

No, it is Rafael Nadal's other uncle who used to play football as part of Spain's national team.

Does the name Guerrero originate from Spain or Italy?

Its originated from both its a mix of italiano and spanish my last name is guerrero and I'm italiano and part spanish

Where did the Spanish surname of Anaya originate?

The Anaya surname was first used in Spain's most important medieval Christian kingdom of Galicia, in the northwestern part of the Iberian peninsula.

Is spanish Galicia a part of Spain?

Yes, it is part of Spain.

Is Majorca part of Catalonia?

Majorca is part of Balearic Islands which are part of Spain.

Was Spain part of the USSR?

Spain was never part of the USSR. The short answer is No.

What part of the word did it originate from?

from greece

What part of Spain is Los Pirineos part of?

The Pyrenees Mountains are in northern Spain.

Is Mallorca in Schengen?

YesMallorca is part of Spain, and Spain is part of the Schengen Area.

Is Spain considered european?

Yes; since Barcelona is a part of Spain, it is a part of the EU.