A reliable way to convert a hand-held 100-yard time to an electronic 100-meter time is to multiply the hh-time by 1.103. Therefore, 10.2 in the 100-yard dash time equates to an 11.25 100-meter dash time. Also, to convert an electronic 100-yard dash time to an electronic 100-meter dash time, multiply the first time by 1.088. For example, a 10.20 electronic 100-yard time equates to an 11.10 electronic 100-meter dash time.
Jesse Owens' sprint distances were the 100 yard and 100 meter dash, the 220 yard and 200 meter dash, and the 4 x 110 yard (college) and 4 x 100 meter relays.
Bob Hayes has the world record in the 100 yard dash. This record was set in the year 1963. This is a separate race from the 100 meter dash.
A 12.5-second 100m equates to a time of 4.572 seconds in the 40-yard dash.
Since a yard is 36 inches and a meter is about 39.37 inches, 100 yards is 3,600 inches or 300 feet and 100 meters is 3,937 inches or 328.08 feet, a 100 meter dash covers 28.08 feet more distance than a 100 yard dash.
10.2 seconds
Weight Train.
9.7 seconds for 100 meters.
Divide by 0.9144 As 1 yard = 0.9144 meter
There are approximately 109.36 yards in a 100 meter dash.
10.7 100 meter dash = 9.78 100 yards
A rough estimate would be around 4.3-4.4 seconds for the 40 yard dash when converting a 11.5 second 100 meter dash time.