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Q: Which is a way that geological processes after nutrient cycling?
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Which is a way that a geological processes affect nutrient cycling?

Weather moves gases into the atmosphere.

Which is way that geological processes affect nutrient cycling?

Geological processes like weathering can release nutrients from rocks, increasing their availability for plants. Erosion can transport nutrients to different locations, altering local nutrient cycling patterns. Volcanic eruptions can also introduce new nutrients into ecosystems.

What is the way geological processes affect nutrient cycling?

Geological processes, such as weathering and erosion, release nutrients from rocks and minerals, making them available for uptake by plants. These processes also influence soil formation and composition, which in turn affects nutrient availability for organisms in an ecosystem. Additionally, geology can impact the movement of water and nutrients through the landscape, affecting the distribution and cycling of nutrients in ecosystems.

What two processes sustain ecosystems and the biosphere and how are they linked?

The two processes that sustain ecosystems and the biosphere are photosynthesis and nutrient cycling. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy, while nutrient cycling involves the cycling of essential nutrients like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus through the ecosystem. These processes are linked because photosynthesis produces oxygen and glucose that support the biogeochemical cycles involved in nutrient cycling, ensuring the continuous flow of energy and nutrients through ecosystems.

What is bacteria responsible in some way for all but one of the processes in Earth's environment?

Bacteria are responsible for processes such as nutrient cycling, decomposition, and nitrogen fixation in Earth's environment. However, they are not responsible for the process of photosynthesis, which is carried out by plants, algae, and some bacteria.

Why do geological processes that occur at convergent boundaries vary?

because the way the plates move cause different processes to occur and covergent boundaries such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and rivers/oceans

Why do the geological processes that occur at convergent boundaries vary?

Geological processes at convergent boundaries vary due to the different types of tectonic plates involved (continental-oceanic, continental-continental, or oceanic-oceanic) and their respective densities, compositions, and interactions. These variations lead to different outcomes such as subduction, mountain building, volcanic activity, and seismic events. The specific geological features and processes at each convergent boundary are influenced by the nature of the plates and the direction of their movements.

What has the author Robert John Way written?

Robert John Way has written: 'Cycling manual' -- subject(s): Cycling

Is cycling prohibited under Islamic law?

No , it is not . Islam does not prohibit cycling ( as a Sport , I suppose ). We should note that women have to adhere to Islamic way of dress that ( the way ) may not be practical with cycling.

How does geologic and organic evolution compare?

There isn't really such a thing as "geologic evolution". Geology describes processes by which geological features may form or alter, but these are not in any way even remotely similar to the processes by which lifeforms develop over time. The changes wrought by geological processes can be (summarily) described in terms of mechanical forces acting on a single body of mixed composition; the processes involved in evolution require populations of self-replicating organisms. So really, they don't compare. At all.

Is not a way that Humus affect the properties of soil?

Humus improves soil structure by increasing aggregation, which allows for better water infiltration and root penetration. It also enhances nutrient retention, promotes microbial activity, and helps to buffer pH levels in the soil. Overall, humus plays a critical role in nutrient cycling and soil fertility.

Why does the earth looks the way it looks?

That depend on what you believe. It comes down to science and religion. I personally am a christian so I think GOD created it in his own way.