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Q: Which has the greatest inertia bowling ball planet car or train?
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Which of these vehicles moving at the same speed has the greatest inertia of rest or of motion a bicycle a jeepney a passenger bus or a train?

The train has the greatest inertia of rest or of motion among the vehicles listed. Trains are extremely massive and have a lot of inertia due to their weight and speed, making them harder to start, stop, or change direction.

Does a train have less inertia than a car?

Inertia is related to speed and mass; a train is both faster and more massive than a car.

Why would a train have more inertia then a car if they both had the same velocity?

A train has more inertia than a car because inertia depends on mass, and trains are typically much heavier than cars. Even if both the train and car were moving at the same velocity, the train's higher mass means that it requires more force to change its speed or direction, giving it greater inertia.

Where did the clone train?

They were train on the planet, Kamino.

A girl on a marta train goes flying forward when the train suddenly stops which law of motion is this?


What object has greater inertia a train or a car?

A train has greater inertia than a car. This is because the train's mass is larger, so it requires more force to accelerate or decelerate compared to a car due to its greater resistance to changes in motion.

Why would a train have more inertia than a car if they both had the same velocity they both they both?

A train would have more inertia than a car because inertia is determined by an object's mass, and trains typically have much greater mass than cars. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion, so an object with more mass (like a train) will have more inertia compared to an object with less mass (like a car).

How can you get to bowling green?

Take the 4 or 5 downtown train in Manhattan .

When train goes very fast when you drop a pen why it travels straight and not corss?

When you drop a pen inside a fast-moving train, it will continue to move in the same direction as the train at the same speed due to inertia. This means it will appear to fall straight down relative to the train, from your perspective inside the moving train.

How does mass affect an objects inertia?

Mass is directly proportional to an object's inertia. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its inertia, meaning it will resist changes in its state of motion. Inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to acceleration or deceleration.

Someone experienced that the train in which he was sitting appeared to move while it was at rest but in fact a train on the neighboring platform was departing what is the reason for it?

If the train appeared to be moving while it was at rest, it is because of inertia.

What is the distance from amtrack train station in Bowling Green KY to nashville tn?

about 67 miles