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Q: Which bike looks nicer WTP Zodiac or WTP Trust?
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Tomos is a band of a bike. This bike looks like a motorcycle.

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Yes a kink launch is a good bike its better than an hoffman

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it isnt. trust me

In the bike freecreditreportcom commercial what does the guy ride his bike around?

In the commercial the singer is riding, what looks like, an old Schwinn touring bike. You can get a similar bike used online or at a local bike shop.

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black and white

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i just spray painted my bike and it looks great but it has some air bubbles not to bad

Is the you the people crisis a good bike?

Don't you mean WeThePeople Crisis? Yeah it's okay but i would recommend the Versus or Zodiac more.

Are there any ways to lighten a gear bike without leaving out any parts like brakes seats and the frame?

Leaving the frame out won't leave you with much of a bike... Basically the way to lighten a bike is by replacing component after component with a lighter version. This can be hideously expensive, as bike parts cost more bought one by one. Better then to save up and buy a nicer/lighter bike all in one go.

A blue bike is 14 less than a red bike. The sum of their prices is 300. How much is the red bike?

157 i believe its 164, it looks like your answer is just saying its 7 more

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You should use Baby Luigi and the Quacker bike. Trust me it work's. That's how I unlocked everything!

Who made vinnie Jones bike in hell ride?

im am not 100 percent posotive but it looks alot like a bike from Exile Cycles,